abstract background

Study Perth Case Study

Study Perth

Sector: Education
Target Market: Mainland China

About Study Perth:  In collaboration with governments, educational institutions and stakeholders, Study Perth provides a leadership role in building the profile of international education in Western Australia and overseas. It is also the first point of contact for anyone wishing to obtain information on studying and living in Perth.

Solution: Digital Crew team members from Australia and China has been working with Study Perth for past 1 year to target more Chinese students who would like to come and study in Perth for high school, under grad, graduate courses, diplomas, masters, etc. 

Digital Crew work very closely with Study Perth digital team to launch a number of digital campaigns in Mainland China via channels like WeChat, Weibo, Baidu, KOLs, Media Buying, etc.


  • To increase Study Perth’s brand awareness in Mainland China
  • To increase Chinese student intake to Perth schools, universities and colleges.
  • To manage promotions and campaigns


  • Produced a TVC style commercial
  • More than 40 million impressions within 5 weeks
  • Created and promoted campaigns in WeChat and Weibo
  • Increased WeChat and Weibo followers
  • High number of enquiries for multiple coureses

Talk to us if you are keen to target more tourists from Mainland China and increase your brand presence and drive more sales.

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